Our Air Hockey has now been exhibited in 2 great shows, see more details below!
“Salad, Church, & Exercise” @ Co-Prosperity Sphere (link & flickr link)
July 4th, 2-6pm
“Salad, Church, and Exercise.” aka Sal-ChEx
A show about self-improvement through self-denial
Featuring work by:
Michael Bancroft
Noah Berlatsky
Dayton Castleman
CThrough Outfit
Chelsea Culp
Derek Erdman
Gina Grafos
Jacob C. Hammes
Jaime Lynn Henderson
Hideous Beast
Thaddeus Kellstadt
Paul Mack
Rachel Pollak
Yvie Raij
Oliverio Rodriguez
Christopher Santiago
Dewayne Slightweight
Edra Soto
Bert Stabler
Matthew Steinke
Susannah Kite Strang
Curated by Bert Stabler
Opening Saturday, July 4, 2009, 2-6 pm at the Co-Prosperity Sphere
3219 S. Morgan, Chicago. Massive salad potluck– come hungry!
Open hours 1-4 pm Saturday July 11, Saturday July 18. Closing party Saturday July 18,
While large-scale organs of control, such as schools, hospitals, and prisons, enforce the social contract through a restriction of choice and a remote delegation of authority, personal or cultural techniques for redirecting and mastering libido, the inner primordial chaos we carry within, can be found in the options represented by salad, church, and exercise. The deep loyalty and repulsion aroused in modern hearts by these three everyday pursuits, and their heroic and perverse obsession with denying the desires of the body, is the starting point for the works in “Salad-Church-Exercise,” fantasies that are channeled into a polymorphous menagerie of audiovisual media.
Three classic texts that have instructed the bodies of our ancestors can be found online at these URLs, and will be available in hard copy at the show.
St. Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises.
John Evelyn, A Discourse on Sallets.
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn: A Treatise on Gymnasticks.
King Ludd’s Midway Arcade-Version Fest 09
9 artist-made, family-friendly, analog arcade and carnival games, from air-hockey to lawn bowling, pinball to video games.
Magic, Clowns, Tarot Readings, Music, Home Brew
Opening night: Saturday, April 25th, 7-11 pm
Then open Sunday the 26th from 2-8 pm
Friday, May 1st, 7-11 pm
Saturday, May 2nd, 2-8 pm
Experimental Station
6100 S Blackstone Ave.
Chicago, IL
Adults: $5, Kids $3, all proceeds support Material Exchange, the Experimental Station, and the artists who made the games.
The Midway Plaissance in Hyde Park was the site of the World’s Fair of 1893, an international celebration of the landing of Columbus in North America 401 years prior. Chicago intended to out-Eiffel the French to prove that it was the cultural center of the universe. The fair was a massively ambitious feat of engineering, architectural prowess and speed, exhibiting buildings, people, food, skills, and inventions from all over the world, each country attempting to one-up its neighbor. The fair was brimming with the promise of technology, and the hope of future America.
King Ludd was the alias pen-name of the Luddite movement, a 19th century revolt of English textile artisans against the introduction of automated weaving technology and the abolition of set pricing in favor of free-market, supply-and-demand pricing.
As Chicago vies for the Olympics, as we consider the benefits and failures of free-market capitalism in a time of recession, as we consider who deserves to be bailed out and who should face the fiddler, as we succumb to the promise of hi-tech solutions to environmental and social ills, somewhere south of the Midway,
The Games Are On!!
Artist Games by: Hideous Beast, Forward Information Office, Jim Duignan, Ted Danlyuk, Material Exchange, Monica Herrera, Heather Mullins, Conrad Freiburg, Shane Mecklenburger, and Mark L Franz. Tarot readings by Madame Rachel Herman. Performances by Chico the Ex-Clown.
Contact: info@material-exchange.org